Wednesday, April 6, 2011

off days suck

Today is another off day.  Honestly I really, really hate off days.  As a person who definitely likes to work hard and get better, off days are just kind of annoying.  Diet was really good today, had eggs with turkey bacon in the morning with a couple fiber one bars, then I had a thing of black beans, and finished the night with green beans, cauliflower/broccoli mix and two pork loins.  Enough about the bullshit though. I found a couple sweet articles about building biceps and triceps.  Hopefully this will get you guys to stop doing that chest/tris and back/bis BS split.  Compound movements have definitely always been my favorite.
        If you know me you know I can't stand working out each part of the body once a week, and although this article only focuses on triceps and biceps, it kind of gives you a hint toward how you should be working out anyway.
        Tomorrow I have legs.  It's always pretty hard to get motivated for it so I usually take NO explode on these days.  Going to hit heavy DL's with front squats and rack pulls, then move toward some calf work to keep at least attempting to rehab my ankle.  I'll let you guys know how that guys.  Side-note, if you really want to learn about weight training, go on t-nation and read anything you can find by Jim Wendler and Dave Tate.


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