Wednesday, April 6, 2011

First Post

        Being my first blog post ever, I guess I'll say what's up tyler and russ, the only two people who will probably read this.  As far as dieting goes, today was a really good day.  I had 4 eggs with turkey bacon and an 8 oz. glass of milk with two scoops of no carb protein as my first meal around 11.  For lunch I had green beans and some peanuts, not great, and followed that with a can of black beans pre workout.  Post workout I wasn't able to eat because it was already passed 7pm.  I did however take NO explode pre and creatine post workout.
        Workout was great today.  Really felt like one of those workouts that you feel like you could go forever.  Did my dynamic upper body routine with extra shoulders and arms, alternating between low reps for main muscle movements and higher reps for machine work.  Definitely was one of those days where I felt like I did my best when I left the gym.  Now if only that could be everyday.  NO explode might have had something to do with it, but I think i'm going to try to eat a can of black beans before workout from now on.  Felt like a great pre workout meal.
         After the gym I came home and got on some blogs I like to read.  Still nothing new from, however has some awesome articles by dave tate right now.  He is really a guy I respect when it comes to weight lifting.
        I guess that's all for tonight! Can't wait to see what you guys post, I'll probably be posting at least once a day and am hoping you guys will frequent the blog as well, can't wait to hear from you guys!  Also, any feedback on anything I post will be much appreciated.  

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